Mountain Life April 26, 2023

Blackberry Winter!

What is Blackberry Winter?

If you live in Ellijay or the North Georgia area, you’ve likely heard the term “blackberry winter” before.  It’s a period of cooler-than-normal temperatures that usually arrives in mid or late spring – typically April or May. The name is thought to originate from the fact that blackberry bushes tend to bloom during this time, despite the cooler temperatures.

Blackberry winter can be a difficult time for gardeners/farmers as well as our local apple growers and vineyards.  The cooler temperatures can slow the growth of plants.  Sometimes in blackberry winter it can get cool enough to have a frost.  This will kill or damage current peach/apple blooms and the grapes at the vineyards.  It can be a frustrating and expensive time, as crops may need to be replanted or the growing season may be shortened. 

But blackberry winter also has its benefits.  The cooler temperature can help reduce pests, encourage pollination, and create ideal growing conditions for certain plants.  The cooler weather also allows certain flowers to bloom longer than they normally would and can make for a more colorful and vibrant home garden.

For those who enjoy being outdoors, blackberry winter can be a great time to take advantage of the cooler temperatures and get outside.  The cooler weather can make activities like hiking, biking, and camping more comfortable and enjoyable. The beauty of the vibrant wild blackberry blooms that line the roads and wood line is an added bonus.